Marcus Vinsky

Image Credits: Photographer: Tino Duvick Broken Chain Photography, Model: Joe Nava, Makeup and Hair: Xavier Visage

Favorite Food/
“You want me to pick one? Not a shot. I love to eat. Snacks, pizza, steak. It’s all fair game. I’ll be damned if I die hungry, and all we ever do is narrowly escape death!”

Least Favorite Food/
“Haven’t found one yet! I’ll eat anything on a dare, and I generally like whatever it is.”

Favorite Song/  
Rush “Tom Sawyer”

Favorite Book/ 
“School sucks. I don’t do more than I must.”

Favorite Clothing Brand/
“Meh. I’m not answering that one. I don’t flaunt my background, but my closet is full of expensive stuff. I put no stock in that, preferring to focus on content of character.”

“Eating, partying, and fun mischief.”

Birth Month/

Working Stone/
“I don’t do all that hocus pocus. It’s a mystery to me.”

Astrological Sign/

Catch Phrase/
“Aw man!”


Image Credits: Photographer: Tino Duvick Broken Chain Photography, Model: Joe Nava, Makeup and Hair: Xavier Visage