This old dog learned a new trick!

Alright, I’ll be honest. It wasn’t long ago that I described myself as a “tech toddler.” I knew just enough to get myself in trouble. Has that ever changed! I’ve had to learn a lot over the last year, but nothing has been more fulfilling than creating my own trailer reels.  Yeah…

Book trailer reels.

I’m not talking a video of me describing the book, (although that would be nifty also.) I’m talking full scale, MOVIE-esq REELS!

I know! My heart raced, I doubted myself, and I was excited deep down inside, as I faced this challenge born of necessity. I thrive in the unknown, even though I fear newness. So, I popped that bottle of red wine, forgoing the glass, and I got busy.

That “busy” quickly spiraled into a five-alarm disaster. 

“I have iMovie on my phone? Gee whiz! Nifty.”

 (I rolled my eyes at myself also.) 

I had no idea. I fussed with it a bit, made a big mess, and looked up other options. I found CapCut and was able to create my word slides. As the process evolved, I found sites for stock photos and videos.

My life boiled down to a tenth of a second.

I learned that milliseconds are real, not just a concept. A tenth of a second makes a difference. I had to get it all exactly right. The order of pictures and words melded and reorganized to create meaning. Every musical beat, second, picture, word, mattered. It was marvelous and baffling.

So, how did it go? Well … take a look!


Book Three Photoshoot!


An interview with Melissa Velasco